CiviCRM Training - 13th January

A comprehensive one day hands on training course covering the configuration,…

Intranet Upgrade

We've been working hard behind the scenes on this internal project for a while…

Response to Drupal Security Advisory PSA-…

Any of our clients concerned about…

Nov 20th 5pm - UK Southwest CiviCRM Meetup

Come meet others from the Area who are interested in, using or developing for…

How it All Happened at CiviCon London 2014

CiviCon London, Europe's largest CiviCRM gathering brought together its largest…

CiviCon London is Less Than 2 Weeks Away

CiviCon London, Europe's largest CiviCRM meetup takes place next week -…


In response to:CIVI-SA-2014-001 - Risk of Information DisclosureSECURITY…

CiviCRM Security…

In response to:SECURITY Releases: CiviCRM 4.2.12, 4.3.7, 4.4.beta4 on 2nd…

Bristol CiviCRM Day - 22nd August

You patiently wait for one Civi Event to come along and then two are scheduled…

Response to CiviCRM Security Advisory…

In response to CiviCRM's advisory  on April 18/04/2013If your site is…

CiviCon London 2012

Here at Circle we're busy helping to organise the second London CiviCRM…

CTT and SCIE win Technology Award.

Congratulations to our clients, Charity Technology Trust and Social Care…