Our structured UX discovery will help us understand your key goals and help you focus on a clear vision of your project.
We'll understand your users' needs and plan workflows with you ensuring your ideas are easily achievable through early prototyping and demos.
Our Discovery Process
Through our user centered discovery process, we'll explore your objectives and help you achieve long term goals. We'll then help clearly prioritise what needs doing and where we can add the most value.
Your Timescales
Depending on your scope and budget, our discovery can take just a few hours or become a series of workshops over several weeks. We'll always work within your budgets and timescales.
Clear Reporting
The output of our engagement should always be clear documentation of the proposed scope of work, likely costs and a realistic schedule with an outline project plan and prioritised backlog.
Existing Systems
If you run existing systems on Drupal, Wordpress or CiviCRM, where you just need some expert advice, we can provide consultancy and general sense checking to help with your plans.