
We are very pleased - not to mention extremely proud - to have played an integral part in the creation of CiviCRM 'out of the box' support for Gift Aid. Freely available for installation from, it's great news for UK charities.

The Gift Aid module comprises of:

  • 2 custom data sets for the Gift Aid data
  • a profile to use on contribution forms to collect the data
  • a task to batch 'gift-aidable' ontributions
  • a report to submit batches to HMRC.

The code has now added to core CiviCRM 3.3 the ability to insert tasks into component task lists, and the concept of batches - which allows any CiviCRM entity to be put into batches. We did this because we see them as useful in other situations. As the two new features are in core, you will need to upgrade your website to CiviCRM 3.3 to use this Gift Aid module. 

Credits for the development of this module go to:

  • Circle Interactive (coding, CiviCRM integration).
  • Millertech and Alpha International (requirements and initial code).
  • Michael McAndrew (requirements, documentation, user interface).
  • Deepak and Lobo from the core team (much hard work coding, helping us code, and pushing for the final release).
  • Everyone who attended sessions and worked on Gift Aid at the 2009 London developer camp and 2010 Bristol code sprint.

We'll keep you posted about future improvements to the Gift Aid module. But remember, we need your help, your knowhow and your financial support to move it on further! If you're part of a UK charity or non-profit organisation interested in influencing future versions of this module, please help with a contribution or get in touch with us.