We’ll be exhibiting at Culture Republic’s full-day event in Glasgow, which will include talks from marketers who are using their data to its fullest extent, round table surgeries on practical issues of data collection and management and a look into the future on what is happening on the cutting edge of technology and practice.
David Moreton will be running a surgery session entitled “Planning to get the most out of new data systems” Where he'll share his experience and explore ideas to help you to avoid common challenges of database implementation, including:
- tips on who to involve
- how to build strong support from senior management
- how to get buy-in from end users
The day has been expressly designed to be of equal use to both ticketed and non-ticketed arts organisations – because no matter how you capture audience information the most important thing is being able to put it to use.
Learn more and register on https://www.culturerepublic.co.uk/events/the-future-of-crm-and-ticketing